Few Tips To Help You Be Safer And More Alert On The Road
Driving on the road can be an awesome experience if you stay alert and drive safely. However, it can also be a dangerous place to drive if you are distracted, tired, or careless. Distracted driving and unsafe driving habits have contributed to thousands of vehicular accidents that resulted in property damages, injuries, and fatalities. Sad to say, most of these accidents could have been avoided by staying focused on the road, being more alert, and practicing defensive driving.
To help you save money, avoid emotional distress, and make the roads safer for everyone, here are a few tips to keep you safe and alert on the road.
Be Well Rested Before Driving
If you plan to make long drives and want to reach your destination as early as possible, staying alert and focused should be your top priority. Truck drivers are very familiar with long drives, especially during peak shipment seasons. Contrary to what some people think, truck drivers are not paid per hour or through salary but on a per-mile basis, which is why some of them regularly drive non-stop for long hours.

Rest is vital for staying sharp and attentive on the road, but in the trucking industry, this is something most drivers lack. Truck drivers need to push themselves to cover larger distances to earn more, which often leads to fatigue and puts them at risk of getting involved in road accidents. If you happen to get involved in a truck accident and suspect that the driver may have been fatigued, a truck driver fatigue accident lawyer can help you investigate the case and get the maximum compensation from the liable parties. This lawyer specializes in accidents involving fatigued drivers and pursuing lawful justice against drivers and companies who violate federal regulations for combating truck driver fatigue. They will check driver logs and other documentation that proper rest break durations have been followed by truck drivers and their companies.
Do Not Multitask Behind the Wheel
Technology can be a good thing when used in the proper place, but it can cause distraction when used while driving. Do not use your smartphone or any electronic device while driving. Even hands-free call or voice-activated text features can divide your attention while on the road. Dashboard navigation systems and infotainment devices, while deemed beneficial, can also be distracting when improperly utilized. If you have to use your phone, set a destination on your GPS, or select a radio station, pull off the road to avoid endangering other motorists. With more vehicles on the road each year, you can’t afford to lose your attention on the road for a second any longer if you want to avoid road accidents.
Respect Everyone’s Right of Way

When driving along multi-lane roads and highways, it is ideal to stick to a single lane to have a consistent road speed and direction while driving. However, not all drivers may not follow this practice on the road and may change lanes several times without caution. Even though this is troublesome for you, do not be tempted to follow suit or block or impede the passage of other vehicles trying to pass you or get to your lane. Drivers have different reasons for being in a hurry, so it’s better to give way than be confrontational on the road to avoid risking an accident. Should you need to pick up speed or change lanes, make sure there is sufficient clearance between other vehicles and yours and use your turn signal light to make other drivers of your movement.
Follow the Speed Limit

There is a good reason why speed limits are posted on highways, so make sure to follow them to avoid speeding violations and to keep yourself safe. Driving within the speed limit is an essential aspect of defensive driving that some drivers often fail to observe. Even if there are a few vehicles on the road, it doesn’t mean you can exceed the designated speed limit. If you see a speed limit of 50 mph on the road, keep your speed below the limit. The faster you go, the less time you have to react to sudden events on the road. By running within the speed limit, you can apply the brakes or make defensive maneuvers to avoid or reduce the impact of an accident.
Staying alert on the road helps keep you, your passengers, and other people on the road safe. We are more exposed to distractions than ever, so practicing defensive driving and staying focused on the road are indispensable. Drive defensively as early as now, and don’t wait for an accident to teach you this valuable driving lesson.