The Future of Car Safety: Innovations in Automobile Technology That Are Saving LIves
Car safety has improved greatly over the past 100 or so years that automobiles have been on the roads in America. It wasn’t that long ago that automobiles didn’t even include seatbelts or air bags. While these safety improvements are impressive and have certainly saved lives, the roads are now more crowded than ever and new dangers exist on the road.
Thankfully, car safety is improving by leaps and bounds thanks to new and innovative technology. Here we are going to take a look at some of the advancements being made in car safety technology and how they are helping to save more lives than ever.
Hands Free and Voice Activation Technology
One of the most recent types of technology that is gradually being improved upon is aimed at eliminating one of the causes of vehicle accidents rather than protecting drivers from harm, distracted driving. By implementing hands free talking and cellphone technology along with voice assisted and voice activated features in the vehicle, it allows drivers to keep both hands on the wheel, both eyes on the road and still handle other business they need to attend to.
Bluetooth has been around for many years now, but with improved connectivity and features it is now possible to do much more with the technology including phone calls, text to speech, app integrations and much more. This has done wonders for distracted driving and future improvements could make it so that drivers never need to look at their phones while on the road.
Automakers are also integrating the ability to contact emergency support services into a vehicle as well. While some vehicle protection services offer roadside assistance and emergency services can be accessed through them, vehicle makers are making it so that drivers and passengers would be able to call 911 through the vehicle in the event of an accident using hands free voice technology.
New Headlight Technology
We’ve seen recent advancements in the way that vehicle headlights work. After all, visibility is important when on the road, particularly at night and during poor weather conditions. While new bulb and lighting technology has made great strides at improving road safety, there is still a ton of danger when on the roads with poor lighting.
One technology that automakers are working on using with automobiles is infrared light technology. Infrared light is made to be visible in low light and automakers have found a way to combine this with headlight technology so that drivers can see even in rain, dense fog, and low light. Infrared headlights have shown to be able to see farther and better in poor conditions than traditional headlights alone.
Threat Detection
As vehicles become more and more connected to the internet, satellites and the global network, it is easier to make them able to “see” dangers on the road. One area of technology that is seeing renewed focus for automobiles is detecting potential hazards before they get too close. We’re used to backup cameras and warning sensors by now, but this technology would take it a step further to where vehicles would warn drivers of potential dangers such as animals crossing the road.
This would not only prevent more accidents, but could potentially save the lives of drivers, passengers, and innocent animals as well. By sharpening the sensors on vehicles and reducing the response time, it is possible to avoid many dangers on the road that were not possible before.
Network Based Updates
You can’t always predict what is going to happen on the road, but with access to live information, it is easier to adjust to changing situations. From weather to traffic, road conditions can change rapidly and the ability to know these things in real time can help save lives and prevent accidents.
That’s just what car makers are trying to do now. They are integrating live traffic and road reports into vehicles to allow drivers to know if traffic is at a standstill and they should take an alternative route or if there is a road hazard that could make driving unsafe. The better this technology gets at alerting drivers to potential issues, the easier it will be to prevent accidents and save lives.

Key Takeaways
These are just a few of the types of technologies that are making advancements right here and now to keep people safer on the roads. Whether you need to be able to use your phone while driving, you’re trying to avoid critters or other hazards or you just want to be kept up to date on the morning commute, new technology is being added every day to make driving easier and safer. The future definitely looks promising in terms of car safety and the technology that is being developed.
However, accidents do still happen. This new technology can’t be fully relied upon and it’s still up to the driver to control the vehicle and prevent accidents. If you do find yourself involved in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, a personal injury firm such as Rose, Klein, and Marias in Los Angeles can help you recover compensation.